Construction from scratch or renovation of an existing swimming pool, new liners, search for leaks and solving a great variety of problems? Whether you are the owner of a hospitality facility or a private home, it doesn’t matter: Beautypool specialists are here to help – they are a group of professionals who will find efficient and immediate solutions to your needs. We talk about their services with the founders Marco Bindella and Benedetto Rinaldi who, from the get-go, have made their work shine.
Beautypool specialists are an organized, varied and well-coordinated group of top-level builders and installers – certified for the construction of both public and private pools in conformity with the Uni 10637 and Uni 16582 standards which regulate pool construction and outline the rules for the design and execution of the associated machinery.
Beautypool operates throughout the country: “Our company works every day to fully satisfy the demands of its customers, without wasting their time and money, operating with rigour, enthusiasm and discipline.” They really are ‘specialists’ – endowed with great professional resources – who pay the maximum of attention to the quality of the products and materials used and, at the same time, take care of the construction phase, installation and the necessary after-sales assistance in a punctual and efficient way. “Our swimming pools and ancillary structures are built to combine aesthetic and functional values, with a keen eye on design and advances in technology, to achieve a perfect relationship between technological and environmental performance and liveability.”
The work of Beautyleak, on the other hand, was started and developed for the maintenance and plant engineering of swimming pools – to carry out investigations and non-invasive tests – to avoid unnecessary and costly damage to the structures. A leak can easily be identified and eliminated: “Our checks start with an accurate and serious preventive investigation that allows us to immediately have an overview of the pool and proceed with the proper repairs, limiting unnecessary work, saving time, expense and inconvenience.”
“Over 20 years ago – he continues – we developed a long lasting, reliable and versatile system that allows you to test most hydraulic lines without cutting the hose. This system, built around the straight sided Anderson Plug, has become the industry standard for professional leak detectors. Thus our pressure testing equipment guarantees a reliable and trouble-free service.” The LeakTrac 2400 system, on the other hand, detects leaks by injecting a small electrical charge into the pool water and then monitoring the flow of electricity – while making ground connections through conductive penetrations into the liner. This technology is effective on any vessel containing water with an electrically insulating shell (such as vinyl, fiberglass, etc.). In its fourth version, this industry benchmark device has been developed and improved over the past 30 years and now features wireless connection and digital controls. Finally, Hydrophone Test Accessories consists of a kit capable of detecting leaks in the internal surface of a swimming pool, such as holes in liners or cracks and leaks in fiberglass or concrete.
All this gives the measure of how much the company has invested in technological innovation and has grown thanks to twenty years of experience in construction sites in Italy and abroad, developing advanced skills with constant training and updating.
Info, inspections and quotes:
Tel. 347 8444144 (Marco) / 333 7154816 (Benedetto)