“From Sign to Sign”

For the first time, a complete corpus of graphic works by Omar Galliani, created from the seventies to the 2000s, is exhibited. The master of Italian drawing approached engraving techniques – mainly lithography and aquatint – thanks to a teaching position at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino (1979-80), a city that has always been known for its art printing houses.

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Interview with Maestro Roggi

My work arises from a constant dialogue between ideal forms and the material that expresses them, a process that is not purely instinctive nor totally rational. It is a fusion of intuition and reflection, in which natural laws and ideas meet, with geometry marrying to living form. I do not try to separate these aspects, because I believe that beauty emerges precisely from this synthesis between ideal perfection and material imperfection, between thought and gesture.

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Jutta Wilhelm Coerper – Artist and Designer

Jutta was born in Coblenz in the Rhineland in Germany during the War, and went to study art and design in Dusseldorf.  She had always dreamed of leaving Germany to travel, and spent a year abroad studying and working in Rome.  When, after 6 years of art school, the possibility to spend a period in South Africa working for a textile company presented itself, the young Jutta jumped at the opportunity. 

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Antonio Massarutto, sculptor and designer

While the wire and kinetic sculptures of Alexander Calder and the works of Picasso have been stylistic influences, Antonio has a fascination for the animal world and the natural environment. He started his artistic career making abstract sculptures, but today his creatures include familiar beasts, such as wild boar and deer, dogs, and cattle, but also more exotic rhinoceros and crocodiles. His sculptures are often made of found and recycled materials, which led him to the concept of “land art”.  For these installations, Antonio finds a spot in the mountains or countryside and constructs a sculpture from the natural materials he finds on the site.

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Rosellina Avoscan: painter, sculptor and ceramist

Rosy’s art is particularly attuned to the twin themes of social justice and the plight of refugees fleeing from war-torn countries to find a new life.  Her goal is to communicate, educate and change perceptions through her art, and her works demonstrate this compassion and empathy.  Her mixed media work “Honorum” expresses just this, and is a personal way of honoring the lives of the many refugee children who have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.

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