A historic agreement between the Civic Museum of Sansepolcro and the Pinacoteca of Città di Castello Reduced ticket prices for those visiting the two museums. First step of a collaboration between Umbria and Tuscany in the promotion of their artistic heritage.
The Valle Museo [Valley of the Musems] comes closer. What is meant by this expression? Is it said that it was coined a few good decades ago by the Castello gallery owner Luigi Amedei and then became an effective (if abused) synthesis for interregional tourism and cultural policies between Città di Castello and Sansepolcro. The agreement between the Civic Museum of Sansepolcro and the Municipal Art Gallery [Pinacoteca] of Città di Castello seems to be the first concrete expression of that happy intuition. In fact, it provides that those who visit one of the two museums can get a reduced price ticket to access the other. The opportunity must be taken up within 6 months of buying the first ticket.
“With this agreement we want to strengthen our collaborative relationship with Città di Castello – explains Sansepolcro councillor Gabriele Marconcini – the bond we have with the Castello municipality is not only due to geograph-ical proximity, but also to historical and cultural contiguity: over time there have always been many exchanges and mutual mixings that have contributed to making the artistic production of the two territories particularly lively. In helping an integration of tourist flows this agreement could therefore help to enhance and promote the cultural and artistic heritage of the two towns”.
“This first concrete activity seems very important to us – Città di Castello Councillor for Culture Vincenzo Tofanelli told me – because we are finally adding a firm touch to the integration of the valley on the tourist level, which we believe can be not only a natural thing given the continuous exchanges at all levels that we daily experience between the Umbrian and Tuscan sides, but also an added value for their respective artistic identities. The Civic Museum and the Municipal Art Gallery document one of the greatest historical moments that this area has experienced on the cultural level, shaping its urban architecture and identity. Especially in view of the Raphael exhibition sched-uled for September, working with a common perspective seems to me to be a good way to innovate in tourism policies and to try to build a shared image step by step with concrete projects and acts.”