This is why several minor sovereignisms have been born in Europe – and also Trump’s ‘major’ sovereignism in the States. A new vision of the world that manifests itself with multiple faces but which, in reality, operates in a very simple and tangible way: let’s take for example the ‘hot’ topic of immigration: one thing is the acceptance of diversity – the foundation of all civil coexistence – another thing is the compulsive magnification, to the bitter end, of diversity and the rights of minorities. People are fed up with these demonic paradoxes.
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God, nature, fate, have provided us with the sense of taste so that we can maintain our bodies and brain functions. Eating is certainly a fundamental pleasure but remember, it is good that food is ‘deserved’ every day, if only out of a sense of universal justice that ‘giving allows us to receive’ – and every effort brings a reward. This principle takes our lives to a higher plane, where it is our will, where it is the spirit that governs our actions – and it promotes a community cooperation, today one could say empathetic, with one’s family and clan context (what a retrograde term!).
read more >Far from being a pedantic history lesson, this digression on the three Florentine republics that succeeded one another from 1494 (the year of the expulsion of the Medici who, fearful, conniving and rumoured in cahoots with the French of Charles VIII, were overthrown by spontaneous citizen uprisings) intends to bring to light that voluntary, popular and democratic spirit that took place after decades of Medici domination, ignited by the vehement preaching of Friar Girolamo Savonarola.
read more >By Simone Bandini “It’s better to have less thunder in your mouth and more lightning in your hand.” (Apache) “It is not how you are born, but how you die, that reveals to which people you belong.” (Black Elk, Chief of the Sioux Tribe) What reason would there be to […]
read more >Who knows if all this enchantment of living will stop at the dreamy, exclusive aperitif. Or something else will probably happen: perhaps a family dinner and a certain circular sense of things. Then a restoring sleep in the lost cavities of a flattened soul, a repaired reset that will admirably grant second possibilities.
read more >Today, with much greater reasons – from urban overpopulation to pollution, from the ethical and moral indistinctness to the confusion of genres – we return to nature to rediscover this lost balance. Don’t you feel this urgency? To escape these real metastases of modernity?
read more >There are two types of justice for man himself: one type linked to nature – which follows the laws of necessity – the other linked to the spirit and which accords with the laws of freedom, with his incorruptible principles.
read more >If the rise of equality of conditions, as Alexis de Tocqueville has already pointed out, was a historiographical datum and a certainty already in the nineteenth century, the great ideologies of the twentieth century died out and the second millennium passed in the new digital civilization, the state of equality is today pure globalist undifferentiation. And like any ‘undifferentiated’, it must be assigned to its rightful place: to a ‘general’ landfill.
read more >Pacifism amongst our contemporaries, more and more, has lost all rational foundation, totally detaching itself from political reality, boasting alleged ethical foundations in the conviction that war is morally wrong and that this “action of attacking and bullying and even killing” can never be justified, is extraneous to the true essence of humanity and, in fact, is against nature, materially and morally.
read more >We realized how earthly existence has been ‘reduced’, as if sucked up by several mouths: the all-encompassing mechanics of the profession of ‘earning one’s daily bread’, in a family ‘experience’ which is the comic and caricatured version of the ancient domestic hearth (while now there are only needs, things to do, where being for being’s sake is forgotten, where belonging fades into the provisional and contingent), a state bureaucracy that, at the time of the new global pandemic, wraps in its coils and encodes every space of individual and collective action, even the very possibility of self-determination.
read more >Certainly you are not asked for such a human quality hyperurania – that belongs to a very narrow elite of the world population. For now, only the sense of this quality, or the tension towards it, is required.
read more >But for whom did we build these barricades, raising impassable walls against the families opposite – who had suddenly become treacherous squads, bands of smearers? «On behalf of the bourgeoisie, which creates false myths of progress?» Franco Battiato sang. I wouldn’t say that. Because the bourgeoisie has been annihilated by the globalist progressivism that is waving the new post-Marxist flag of the primacy of the economy over politics. And with avalanches of money it maintains a plethora of new Chinese mandarins in the employ of large financial groups and conniving government elites. Then at the same time it fights in the trenches trying to devalue all the traditional symbols and uses of Western civilization, starting from the archetypal concept of gender identity.
read more >In his mythopoiesis of ‘Goodness’ and ‘Justice’, Plato affirms the primacy of Goodness over other ideas, comparing it to the sun: “As in the visible sphere, the light of the sun and vision can correctly be considered similar to the sun, but it is not correct to assume that they are the sun, so in this other sphere it is correct to assume that ‘truth’ (ἀλήθεια) and ‘science’ (ἐπιστήμη) are both similar to Goodness, but it would be incorrect to think that one or the other of them are Goodness: the condition of Goodness is due the highest honour” (Republic, 509a).
read more >BY SIMONE BANDINI “(Europe) is a bourgeois and individualistic continent preoccupied with its refrigerator.” Albert Camus, speaking in Athens 28th April 1955. In 1955 Albert Camus was incredibly – and today I add miserably – prophetic. Post-bourgeois nihilism has brought us to extreme consequences in technocratic, rationalist and materialistic thinking. That the […]
read more >BY SIMONE BANDINI “If you want something, you have the right to take it” Bret Easton Ellis Following an exotic cultural fashion rather popular in the Anglo-Saxon world of radical chic and amplified by the simplistic reductionism of social networks, the capacity to be well (and alone) with and in yourself becomes the archetype […]
read more >And with thought, freedom, in its highest sense, which increasingly contemplates revolt and transgression. This great modern unknown. Both fell under the blows of the absolutely technological and technocratic, the new fetish of progressive politicians and bureaucrats, unionists to the bitter end, priests of the cult of an infinitely governable and perfectible humanity engaged in acquisition and consumption.
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