A new state-of-the-art water treatment plant, with very low environmental impact and self-sufficient in terms of energy, and new infrastructure dedicated to electric-powered mobility in the area: this is how the company is proceeding at a brisk pace in its ecological transition.
AdF pushes down the sustainability pedal and proceeds apace in its ecological transition. A new water plant for the city of Grosseto has been inaugurated: environmental sustainability, innovation and the concrete application of the principles of the circular economy are the cardinal points of an overall investment of 16 million euros here.
One project focused on the upgrade of the sludge line, the realization of which was made possible by the foresight of AdF, a joint municipal shareholding and the large water conglomeration, Acea Group: it was in fact conceived and planned at the end of 2016, when there was as yet no talk of problems with sludge disposal or of ecological transition. AdF thus anticipated the needs of the area and its community with a green water treatment plant, using the most up-to-date technology and with a very low environmental impact and self-sufficient in terms of energy and which allows the reuse of the water coming from the purification process. It is the largest facility nationwide to use thermo-chemical analysis for sludge reduction, a cutting-edge process that allows a significant reduction in the weight and the volume of sludge to be disposed of and improves its quality. AdF, as ever, shows itself as being a step ahead in adopting solutions based on maximum environmental sustainability — as also demonstrated by all the investments made in the purification and sewerage sectors.
But that’s not all: AdF and Acea Group become protagonists of sustainability with an important investment to increase the infrastructures dedicated to electric mobility in the area. In fact, the electrical charging columns co-branded AdF-Acea Innovation were inaugurated at AdF headquarters in Via Mameli in Grosseto. After the launch of AdF Green last year, AdF’s drive towards sustainable mobility and the consequent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions continues. Within the next three years, the project will see approximately 200 charging columns installed throughout the area served by AdF thanks to the commitment of the Acea Group.
These are two important investments that contribute to the achievement of objectives no. 9, 12 and 15 of the UN’s Agenda 2030.