By Gianluca Bianchini
Finding companies to rely on, without a shadow of a doubt, is not easy at all today. Nor to find within them a team of professionals able to carry out their work with enthusiasm and passion, accompanying the client in all the steps of the projects – and ensuring diversified and innovative solutions thanks to a multidisciplinary approach.
The Hyper professional society is certainly all this, but not only. We went to visit them to meet them in person and discover their corporate identity.
Certainly, one of the Florentine excellences that, operating since 2013, has been able to establish itself on the national and international market. Its ‘holistic’ approach integrates the design, execution and management phases of the works, thus allowing the best results to be achieved in multiple fields: architectural, structural, plant and urban design, water resource management, infrastructure engineering, even real estate and tax management. A cohesive group of great professionals proactive in the various disciplines, aimed at addressing problems relating to the professions of engineer, architect, surveyor, geologist, lawyer, accountant and auditor in a collaborative and synergistic way.
“Let’s do what we say!” say Geom. Daniele Duccini and Ing. Stefano Capretti. A simple concept in which they strongly believe. Apparently self-evident, almost obvious.
However, as each of us can verify personally and professionally, today it is not at all obvious. Thanks to strictly adhering to these three simple words, the company has gained a prominent position and is constantly growing, with offices in Tuscany and overseas in the States, in California, as well as with international projects thanks to the collaboration with ‘Steel Bio’ in Bali in Indonesia.
Hyper STP is one of the first interprofessional societies established in Italy and the first in Tuscany, where it is registered with the Order of Engineers of the Province of Florence. Thanks to the rich and multidisciplinary wealth of skills and experience, combined with a dynamic team, Hyper STP offers professional design services in the fields of architecture, engineering and the environment, together with legal, tax and corporate consulting services.
Hyper STP proposes itself as a professional partner for administrations and public bodies, private and institutional investors, non-profit organizations and social cooperatives, commercial companies, services, professionals and universities.
The company is present in Tuscany but through a flexible network of collaborators it is able to operate throughout the national and international territory. By entrusting them with a new project, a job or a consultancy you will certainly feel in good hands, pampered, protected and reassured; above all certain to arrive at the result in the best possible way with the right and correct solutions. Hyper makes use of cutting-edge methodologies, from surveying with laser scanners and drones, to BIM modelling and creation of a virtual model, to design that takes into account the indications of international environmental sustainability protocols such as LEED and WELL. At the same time, they also deal with modelling of water networks aimed at the management and optimization of water resources and with inspection and monitoring activities of bridges and viaducts of the motorway network.
The Hyper team is made up of 9 engineers, 6 architects, 4 surveyors, 3 accountants, 1 geologist, 2 lawyers. It is precisely from the strength of the group and the specific skills of each professional that each project can be followed in all its phases. The company’s vision is to support private individuals and structured organizations such as companies, institutions, institutes and industries in the enhancement of their real estate assets, redeveloping the existing buildings and infrastructures, or creating new ones, according to principles of safety, health, quality and sustainability – environmental, economic and social – through their multifaceted crew of professionals.
Last but not least, the Californian branch “Idea Super Tuscan Projects” is added to the already well-stocked bouquet of Hyper professionalism and skills, exporting their tested approach, taking a possible US investor by the hand and guiding him towards the best choices and solutions in our beautiful country. Hyper will therefore be able to support a possible buyer in the technical and bureaucratic practices related to the purchase of a property, and its possible renovation.
Info: Hyper Società Tra Professionisti, Via Buonvicini 21, Firenze / Via San Donato 459, PistoiaTel. 055 578486 /