500 Years of Villa Calcinaia: A Journey Through History, Wine and Sustainability

The 500 years of Villa Calcinaia are not only a tribute to the past, but a declaration of intent for the future. The Capponi family continues to work to keep Chianti Classico among the world’s excellences, combining the rediscovery of ancient vine varieties with innovative techniques to address modern challenges, such as climate change.

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Claudio Cosci, an Avant-garde ‘Fountain’ for Hydraulics

Who knows what Duchamp, a famous exponent of the French avant-garde, would think if he had seen us busy around a toilet, wanting to reproduce a new ‘Fountain’ – his ready-made work/urinal, created by the artist in 1917. The original piece, which was widely known for its sensation, was lost. Today only copies are preserved in various museums around the world.

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Updates from Paradise

“Phase two of this newly branded ‘Terme Miele’, which we have called ‘water’ – he continues – will see the commissioning of two therapeutic whirlpools, two private soaking tubs for specific bath oil and salt treatments and an anti-gravity mini-pool”. The architecture of the new Spa will recall a beehive, combining well-being with the prodigious magic world of bees and honey inspired treatments.

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Interview with Maestro Roggi

My work arises from a constant dialogue between ideal forms and the material that expresses them, a process that is not purely instinctive nor totally rational. It is a fusion of intuition and reflection, in which natural laws and ideas meet, with geometry marrying to living form. I do not try to separate these aspects, because I believe that beauty emerges precisely from this synthesis between ideal perfection and material imperfection, between thought and gesture.

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This is why several minor sovereignisms have been born in Europe – and also Trump’s ‘major’ sovereignism in the States. A new vision of the world that manifests itself with multiple faces but which, in reality, operates in a very simple and tangible way: let’s take for example the ‘hot’ topic of immigration: one thing is the acceptance of diversity – the foundation of all civil coexistence – another thing is the compulsive magnification, to the bitter end, of diversity and the rights of minorities. People are fed up with these demonic paradoxes.

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